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computer/Computer common sense

escape sequence (Escape Character)

by Pstor 2021. 8. 12.

escape sequence

Escape Character

If you are studying a language when you are a beginner, you may suffer from backslash. Therefore, backslash is a character that can be used in combination. Also, depending on the escape character, the function is different.

Escape Character Explanation
\n line break
\t tab
\v vertical tab
\b backspace
\f form feed (line break, move the cursor to the next line)
\r carriage return (line break, move the cursor forward)
\a ringtone (warning)
\' single quote
\" double quotes
\ \ \
\000 ASCII characters in octal notation (null character)
\ ? literal question mark
\ hh ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation
\ hhhh A Unicode character in hexadecimal notation when this escape sequence
is used in a wide-character constant or Unicode string literal.

Not many, but I'll show you a few examples.
print("Hello World!")
Hello World!
print("Hello\nWorld!") # \n line break
print("Hello\tWorld!") # \t tab
Hello   World!
print("H\bello World!") # \b backspace
ello World!
print("\000") # \000 null character
print("\\Hello World!\\") # \\ '\'
\Hello World!\

reference site : https://docs.microsoft.com/ko-kr/cpp/c-language/escape-sequences?view=msvc-160

If there are any errors or problems in my writing, please let me know and I will correct or delete it.
